Every Monday after school in room 52, all students welcome. Option to
get a GCSE after a few year’s work. Teachers from the Nihao Mandarin language
club, special price for JFS students.
Portuguese and Italian
Português and Italiano
Every Monday after school in rooms 54 and 53a for students with already
some knowledge to native level speakers of the language. EDEXCEL GCSE and A level
option. Very low price, co-financed by the Portuguese and Italian embassies.
Spanish, French and
Español, Français and
Mother tongue students (of the above or any other language if the family can support them in their
studies and there is a GCSE available in EDEXCEL exam panels. If Edexcel does not have your language, we can consider other panels) need
to speak with Mr. Ordóñez about their GCSE options.
Students are referred to their local Polish school. Please ask Mr.
Ordóñez for more details.
Lingua latina
For year 9 and 10 groups only. There
will be a free course in Latin at Trinity School, 4-5pm on Thursdays, commencing
on Thursday 21st of September.